Sunday, April 8, 2018


 I'm Leona Choy and I live in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia.

Through this author blog I want to serve my writing friends in the U.S. and elsewhere in the world.

Come join me in my virtual writing studio by Internet. It doesn't always look this orderly when I'm working on a new book! 

This blog is also for readers of the many books I have written through the years.  I'd like to be in touch with you and tell you the back stories of how I happened to write them and what responses I continue to receive from readers. I'll give you a heads-up about books and current writing ideas I'm working on.

This comfy virtual chair is waiting for you. Let's have a virtual cup of tea while you tell me why you want to write for the Supreme Editor, God.

Communications have gone through immense changes in the past few decades. Ever-expanding new forms of publishing is ours to take advantage of in this high-tech age. Today's Christian writers need to keep up-to-date with their skills and markets.

Within the lifetime of many of us, the term online used to mean that on Mondays our mothers hung laundry on a line outdoors to dry.

A weblog (blog for short) was unknown before 1997 but has morphed from simply a web page for anyone with access to the Internet to express one's thoughts and ideas to inviting interaction. For the past 10 years I have blogged through:

On average my blog receives over 2,000 views each month from people around the world. I post my personal reflections on Christian topics. I slant some posts toward calendar-challenged viewers since I'm navigating that season of life myself.

Enthusiastic response from writers and readers of my most recent book motivated me to establish this specialized blog for writers. I'm using the book's title for this second blog.

View all my books-in-print

You can order this book and my other books at Golden Morning Publishing

At that website you can read a synopsis of each. I published some through royalty publishers and others through indie (independent) self-publishers.

I'm thrilled for the opportunity to pass the baton to aspiring Christian writers. I'll help you move to the next level or stage in your writing. Whether you are a beginning writer eager to learn your craft or a seasoned, published author who wants to discuss new markets and how to successfully connect with publishers, I'm available to discuss your current writing level, where you want to go and how to get there. I will point you to helpful resources online whatever your genre.

How are we going to do this?

(1) I offer a free short term introductory coaching opportunity by email. I call it "Stage Coaching."

(2) I'm adding another level/stage of help for writers who request longer and more personalized in-depth coaching for their specific writing project. 

(3) I have several Writing Courses in process for which you will soon be able to sign up. Watch this blog for details.

(4) On still another level, our Golden Morning Publishing indie company plans to accept a limited number of qualified book manuscripts for editing and production.

(5) I welcome Guest Posts which are relevant to writing and publishing. Request submission guideliness at

(6) I plan to continue "Butterfly TIPS." For some time I've been sending encouraging writing "Tips"-- suggestions, resources and helpful writing links by email to writers I'm coaching. I've used the analogy of writers eventually becoming like butterflies.

The hopeful dreamer, the "wannabe" beginning writer is like the lowly caterpillar full of potential but hardly aware of what the future holds. All writers start out in that stage but God intends more for you. You aren't meant to crawl forever at ground level; you were destined to fly! The main job of a beginning writer, like a caterpillar, is to "eat" to build himself up for the next stage by learning his craft, discerning his call to write and moving forward. 

In the next chrysalis stage nothing seems to be happening. We feel static and isolated, getting nowhere. We need time and patience while we are being formed in the darkness for the surprise that is ahead!

With the help of the Creator of this splendid metamorphosis, the butterfly struggles and in due time comes forth from its cocoon. The butterfly writer emerges from his inertia and takes flight. With much editing and revision he begins to successfully and professionally communicate his message and becomes published. He realizes the potential that God put within him when he was in his caterpillar stage. An awesome transformation!

What is your mission, if you choose to accept it?

I encourage you through this new authorblog to pursue your calling as a butterfly-to-be Christian writer. Pollinate your part of the world with the Good News of the Kingdom of God through whatever genre He is giving you.

With God, it isn't a "mission impossible!"

Let's get busy at our computer keyboards so we can bless the world and witness for the Lord through communicating His message as skilled wordsmiths writing for the glory of God.


I will send my 36 page booklet How to Capture and Develop Ideas for Writing pictured above at the left to the first 50 people who view this new authorblog and email me saying "I visited you! Keep me posted."  It is FREE! I will cover postage too.

Tell your writer friends about this offer and my new writing site. Your address is secure. I will never share it elsewhere.

Come here frequently

This blog is truly interactive. I welcome your comments and questions. I'll try to find the answers for you. Let me know who and where you are so we can become friends.

(Follow with logistics of how to get on my mailing list)

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 I'm Leona Choy and I live in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Through this author blog I want to serve my writing f...